
放射性同位素 粒子加速器 辐照杀菌 无损检测 高新核材 辐射成像 放射诊疗 辐射育种 食品辐照保鲜 废水辐照 X射线 中广核技 中国同辐


2018-12-17 14:03          中巴核医学


Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine co-hostedthe 2nd Sino-PAK Nuclear Medicine Symposium with Pakistan Society ofNuclear Medicine

2018年12月6日至12月9日,应巴基斯坦核医学主委Shazia Fatima教授邀请,受中华医学会核医学分会李思进主委委派,学会常委(兼对外交流和神经学组组长)张晓丽教授、青委副主委孟召伟教授、青委副主委左传涛教授、山西医科大学第一医院鄢敏化学师,代表学会参加在卡拉奇举办的第二届中国-巴基斯坦核医学会议暨第六届巴基斯坦核医学年会。

From December 6th to December 9th 2018, in answering Prof. Shazia Fatima’s invitation (president of Pakistan Society of Nuclear Medicine), Prof.Li Sijin (president of Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine) designated Standing Committee member Zhang Xiaoli, Youth Committee Vice-presidents Meng Zhaowei and Zuo Chuantao, and radiochemist Yan Min to come to Karachi, Pakistan. During this period, Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine and Pakistan Society of Nuclear Medicine jointly co-hosted the 2nd Sino-PAK Nuclear Medicine Symposium in Karachi.

会议期间来自世界各地包括美国,英国,新加坡,德国,阿拉伯以及巴基斯坦等不同领域的专家进行专题报告,会议内容丰富多彩。张晓丽教授向大家介绍了中国核医学的状况和发展,同时,三位教授代表中华核医学分会进行专题报告,“Myocardial Viability Assessment in Patients with Ischemia Cardiomyopathy”、“TERT promoter mutation in a primarylesion of papillary thyroid carcinoma predicts absent or lower 131I uptake in a metastatic lesion”和“Metabolic Brain Pattern for Differential Diagnosis of Parkinsonism”,展示了中国核医学学者的风采,得到与会者的一致好评。三位教授受邀作为会议主持,与同行之间进行热烈讨论。

During the meeting, nuclear medicine experts from many countries (US, UK, Singapore, Germany, Arabian and Southeast Asiancountries) came to Karachi to deliver speeches and communicate. Prof. Zhang Xiaoli made an introduction of the current status and development of the Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine. In the symposium, Prof. Zhang Xiaoli,Prof. Meng Zhaowei and Prof. Zuo Chuantao also delivered speeches entitled “Myocardial Viability Assessment in Patients with Ischemia Cardiomyopathy”, “TERT promoter mutation in a primary lesion of papillary thyroid carcinoma predicts absent or lower 131I uptake in a metastatic lesion” and “Metabolic Brain Pattern for Differential Diagnosis of Parkinsonism”. The Chinese delegates fully showed their elegance and academic achievements. The Chinese delegates also co-chaired several sessions in the meeting, and presided hot discussions.

中巴核医学的交流是中华医学会层面一带一路的重要组成部分,张晓丽教授代表学会给Shazia Fatima教授赠送礼物,Shazia Fatima教授也向中华医学会核医学分会表达祝福。第二届中国-巴基斯坦核医学会议的成功召开,加深了中巴核医学的进一步了解和友谊,为未来中巴核医学的进一步合作打下了重要基础。

The Sino-PAK Nuclear Medicine communication is an integrate part of the Chinese Medical Society policy of the “the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road” initiated by the Chinese government. On behalf of the Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine, Prof. Zhang Xiaoli exchanged greetings and gifts with Prof. Shazia Fatima. The 2ndSino-PAK Nuclear Medicine Symposium will deepen the bilateral communication and friendship. This meeting will be the foundation for future Sino-PAK Nuclear Medicine collaboration.

此外,会议期间,与英国核医学学会的主委John Buscombe,阿拉伯核医学分会主委Akram N. AI-Ibraheem进行交流,互相表达了学会之间建立合作交流和合作的意愿。

Inaddition, the Chinese delegates alsomet with and shared opinions with Prof. John Buscombe (president of British Nuclear Medicine Society) and Prof. Akram N. AI-Ibraheem (president of Arabian Nuclear Medicine Society). The presidents of these two Nuclear Medicine Societies also expressed the willingness to establish bilateral relationship with China for further communication and collaboration.


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